New Harley Davidson Earrings

Harley Davidson Earrings

HD Post Earrings

Skeleton Crew Outfitters is continuously searching the wholesale Biker Accessories market for new items that we think bikers might be interested in buying.  Sometimes we find a site with a bunch of different items, and sometimes we find sites that only have a couple of items we like.  Well, we found one of those Needle-In-The-Haystack sites last week, and they manufacture these sturdy, Stainless Steel Harley Davidson Post Earrings.  As with anything HD, they cost a little more than we would like to pay, but we think they’re worth it.  After we ordered them, we ran a retail search to get an idea of what other sites like ours were charging.  The results varied from $27 to $65.  That’s about what we were expecting, and before Skeleton Crew Outfitters got started, that’s probably about the best anyone could do.

$14.95 is what we settled on as a price that we’d want to pay, so that’s all you’re going to have to pay for these incredibly detailed earrings.  The classic Bar and Shield logo cast in high quality 316L Surgical Stainless Steel shines like chrome in a gloss black background and leaves no doubt about your brand loyalty.

There were only 8 pairs of these earrings available when we got them, so don’t let them get away!